Go Further Than Ever Before
Hey Guys!! I hope you are having a great weekend. It's finally heating up. Time for buzzing bees to awaken the beauty beneath budding flowers under the warm rays of Spring. And if you're anything like me, it's also the time to hit the pool. Yesterday when I was swimming, I suddenly had a moment. Lately, I have been in a state of reflection about my career aspirations. My biggest question has been why on earth do I want to do something that know one I know has ever done before. And I know I am not alone here. There are plenty of us out there stepping in uncharted waters. Sometimes before we even know how to swim. But despite our initial knowledge, plunge into the waters head first and flow with the foreign current that immediately wraps us in familiarity. And no one else understand why. perhaps it's for our good or their lack of full support. That shouldn't matter. The only opinion that should weigh heavier that an anchor is your own. As you recall in our blo...