Be Proud of Who You Are Now

Hey Guys!!

Currently I am exhausted. In the past 24 hours, I have traveled to a new state, constructed a theatrical set with my crew thrice, attended two workshops, performed in a theatre competition, and celebrated with a little bubbly...maybe a bit more than a little. But, I deserved it, right? After all, my theatre and I have done amazing and I've positioned myself to continue developing as a literary artist. And as I sit here watching Disney's Hercules  in my hotel room, I find myself pondering something I've NEVER considered before.

I've reflected on what we have discussed leading into 2018. Keep in mind our goals aren't only for tomorrow but for forever. I have worked to inspire and remind you of who you are and why you continue to be the brilliant, beautiful, and bold person you are, and why you should have the upmost confidence in your abilities as well as the motivation to validate your dedication to your dreams. Still, there is something we haven't talked about that is worth mentioning. Part of the reason is because it's more selfish than selfless; however does that make an action wrong? Let's discuss it through a different question.


When was the last time you celebrated YOU?

Last week? Month? Year? Can't remember? 

That's okay. Heck, that's normal for the average person. But, NEWS FLASH: You are not average. You are a force to be reckoned with. You are stubborn when it comes to your objectives and you find a way to achieve them. So, why not celebrate you? Let's view this theme in three short stages.

Stage 1: What is your goal?

Do you watch incredible movies and desire to writer, direct, and produce your own? Are you a dog whisperer seeking to prove that not all dogs are as aggressive as society makes them seem (that's pretty deep)? Do you want to score a job in order to finally have the funds to take your crush out on a proper date? Whether your goal is to graduate with a solid GPA or get through your Netflix series without stopping, every goal requires the same integrity. You have to commit to your goals. Someone may ask if writing or binge watching Everything Sucks  is really a good goal to have. Your answer should be this:


That's right, nothing. It doesn't matter what someone else thinks. Do not worry about others because you can't control their thoughts, and they actually may not think about you as much as you think(unless it's your crush. In that case they are totally thinking about you 24/7 ;) ). So focus on your attitude towards what you want to do which leads to the next stage.

Stage 2: Achieve your goal.

Now, this can be broken up to the micro level so you can specify how you will achieve your goal. But, as long as you don't commit a crime, commit to your goal. Notice, I didn't say as long as you don't offend someone or hurt someone's feelings. This may sound harsh, but you don't have to consider everyone's feelings all of the time. I am a caring person, but I am also a person. One of my favorite quotes by Marianne Williamson states there is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that others won't feeling insecure around you. Not everyone will agree with your values, beliefs, or dreams. And not everyone will be on the same level as you. We all have to travel our roads at our own pace. So, that can't matter to you. You have to set them aside, put your mind, mission, and phone on "Do Not Disturb" and make it happen.

Stage 3: Celebrate your success.

This is just as important as actually achieving your goals because it builds positive energy. It's vital to give yourself a pat on the back when you accomplish something you set out for. It helps to fight depression, stressed, and self-loathing. When you realize all you've done, 9 times out of 10 they will outweigh the things you haven't accomplished...yet. Allow that to eliminate the pressures you have placed on yourself so that you can handle your life more effectively. The more you do this, the freer you'll be to accomplish more. And conquering milestones is addicting. The more you take pride in yourself, the better you'll want to be. And remember, we are aiming to get better every single day. That is our mission and in order to do that we have to keep a positive mindset.

So, take a moment to think of all you accomplished last week. Tell yourself you're proud of yourself because you should be. No one knows what it's like to walk in your shoes. Yes, you have miles to go...but you have gone many miles to get to where you are now. Whether you took a break or dealt with the ache you are still on this journey and I believe you will go the distance.

Stay positive!

-Vernell Allen


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