Go Further Than Ever Before

Hey Guys!!

I hope you are having a great weekend. It's finally heating up. Time for buzzing bees to awaken the beauty beneath budding flowers under the warm rays of Spring. And if you're anything like me, it's also the time to hit the pool. Yesterday when I was swimming, I suddenly had a moment. Lately, I have been in a state of reflection about my career aspirations. My biggest question has been why on earth do I want to do something that know one I know has ever done before. And I know I am not alone here. There are plenty of us out there stepping in uncharted waters. Sometimes before we even know how to swim. But despite our initial knowledge, plunge into the waters head first and flow with the foreign current that immediately wraps us in familiarity. And no one else understand why. perhaps it's for our good or their lack of full support. That shouldn't matter. The only opinion that should weigh heavier that an anchor is your own.

As you recall in our blog about stepping out of your comfort zone, you have to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals in life. The key here is not to focus on overcoming a fear, or conquering an obstacle. It's about placing yourself in position understand just how deep are you willing to dive?

Today's question may sound silly, but trust me. There's a method to my madness.


Why are you so afraid to drown?

I didn't learn how to swim until a few years ago. And that's ironic because I have always loved going to the pool. But, I stopped going after realizing that I didn't enjoy just splashing my feet in the water while my peers challenged each other to races. I had to learn how to swim. At some point in your life, you will grow tired of just toying on the shores or your dreams. You'll want to go to the next level. And that will take preparation.

My first lesson for swimming was free, but it almost cost me my life. I was so afraid of not being able to swim that I immediately began to sink. My teacher said that I was too much in my head. So, I took a moment to clear my mind and then I tried again. And this time....I still almost drowned.

But I wasn't afraid. I laughed because I wasn't afraid. I fight the water for hours until I understood that the water wasn't my enemy, but my guide. If you want to be able to achieve your goals, you have to lose all sense of contentment. What you're doing may work for the next guy, but not you. And I can guarantee you WILL NOT be happy watching from the sidelines. Clear you head of doubt and fear for the worst. You have to want it, prepare yourself, and dive in.

The most important thing I want you to get out of this is that you should never be content with your circumstances until you have everything that you've worked for. Where you are now, is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much depth to you and sooner or later you have to go beyond the shallow banks of familiarity. What you can do, no one else has done before with your skillset. Yes, you will fall short along the way, but the only way you are guaranteed to fail is if you do not try at all. So go and test the waters. There's a whole world for you to explore.

Swim good.

-Vernell Allen


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