Dreams of Black People

I read "The Coming," and was transformed mentally. My approach to my way of thinking seemed to have matured. But I'm about to experience a new change. A lifestyle warp as I continue to read "Between the World and Me." Coates discusses an issue that I, we all have thought of. The American Dream. But he tells the reader that not only does this dream not belong to people of color, but neither do their bodies. Our bodies are not our own. That's a powerful statement. But I unfortunately understand. And maybe that's the Dream for Black people: that we will take back what was taken from us. But I see it differently. We own our bodies because their belong to us, but we are less receptive of the bruises on our brand, skin, hearts. And we have been so terribly assaulted for so long that we don't even recognize our flesh. We actually in some cases willingly give it away. Nevertheless they have always been ours. What white Supremacy was able to take from of was vision. Vision to see the result from fighting's end. What if the struggle ended? How does it feel to not have to hang onto the same thread of hope all of my ancestors grasped? What color is the grass on the other side? What is it like to live the Black American Dream? Or is that all that it is?


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