Hey guys!!

Well I believe I'm ending my freshman year in dramatic fashion. Currently, I am so stressed that I can barely think straight. I'm so upset that I want to actually laugh at the outrageous circumstance I'm in. It all started when I bought plane tickets a month ago. They were cheap ($47 a piece for me and my girlfriend) and I felt like a boss. And afterwards, to continue the streak of being the best boyfriend ever, I took her to New York City for a few days as a birthday gift. We had an amazing time. We also bought a few things, including some Reese's peanut butter for a mutual friend. It smelted delicious. When we got back to D.C. we went to eat and work and then out again. This has been our routine for months and the Lyft's were sucking us dry. Then it happened. We got into a huge fight. A fight that ends a relationship. I was numb at first, but I had to continue preparing to leave for home. I'll admit it still hasn't hit me yet.

After trying to buy comfort food from one of the vending machines in my building, I checked my account and saw that I had, literally, pennies to my name. I was ass out of cash. But I still had my paid internship which would have been clutch except for the fact that we are done with projects until June. Still broke. And of course I can't get anything from my ex-girlfriend(that hurts to say) because of obvious reasons. Pennies. My family sounds like a logical answer except they are the definition of unfortunate. They couldn't buy me a piece of bubblegum if it were free.

The only solution I could come up with at such short notice was to sell my clothes. Yes, I am selling basically everything I own that looks nice, which actually a lot of what I don't like to wear. Now, you may be wondering why I need money so badly. Well, again, it goes back to buying the plane tickets.
After I bought them, I immediately started fist pumping and rocking the "Imma boss" shades, and of course I did all but check the baggage fee. Bags for my flight are not free. They are $25 for the first and $35 for the second. So I need to make $60 plus tax in order to fly home with my belongings. But that's only half of it.

Since my girl and I broke up, she doesn't want anything to do with me. I was suppose to stay with her at her aunt's house until her mom picked us up to take us home (flights to neighboring states are a heck of a lot cheaper than just flying straight in). Since I couldn't find a place to stay for the night, she's just going to suck it up and let me sleep over. But I have to get a bus ticket home for the following day because her mom is, coincidentally, tired of helping us both out, but especially me since I'm not her son. Guess I called her Momma Angie for kicks...but I understand, kind of. I wish my family could help out, but they can't and if they could they probably wouldn't because they are so behind on bill payments and car notes. If I could support myself, that would be great. But I won't have a potential job until I actually leave.

In a way I guess not being able to pay for my bags and forced to leave them here is a tangible symbol of my relationship and its memories. I hate that it happened, but it's the only way I can more forward, right? Unless I can sell my clothes, then forget about the symbolism. So yeah, that 's my life currently. If you are interested in buying clothes from me, I'd appreciate it. The sizes are Small and Medium. Lots of long sleeve, light wear. Brand names like Ralph Lauren, Hollister, J. Crew, Jos. A. Banks, Gap, etc. I'm trying to find humor in the situation, but it's hard. I really am on my own here. I also will except donations and words of encouragement. Please. I hope you guys are having an awesome day.


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