Tips for Writing a Great Screenplay

Hey guys!!

So, there's this screenplay I've been working on for about eight weeks now and it's actually going well. Initially, I was really fired up about it because I kind of didn't know (hadn't the slightest idea) what I was doing besides writing this crazy concept I had. Now, after working on it for a while, I see that it is a lot of work. I have a great writing background. I majored in Literary Arts at my previous school, but I've never had the liberty of taking a small thought and stretching it out over a span of 100 pages. A lot of my time is NOT spent typing but researching and playing with ideas in my head. I was afraid to even type anything because I didn't want to kill my darlings; but hey, murder can be very writing only. I believe I have a strong start and the story will only get stronger as I go along. If anyone out there is think of writing a script for the stage or the screen I have three tips for you.
  1. Find a Mentor- a mentor doesn't have to be someone you'll see everyday or talk to at all. My mentor at the moment is someone that I have never personally met, but I have watched everything they've done and taken heed to their advice. But if there is someone you can talk to in person, by all means, take advantage of it
  2. Write Everyday- This is a no-brainer but there are times when we all feel like there's just nothing in the tank or nothing worth putting on paper. That's a lie. There is no perfect moment to right, and I now believe there is no moment of true inspiration. Now, I'll admit there are occasions when the greatest idea I've had comes out of me in the greatest way and everything about it is perfect and I feel invincible. But that's because of the crap that I put down the day before or week before that I came back to and worked with until it was where it needed to be. Writing everyday is the only way to continuously polish your craft and discipline yourself as a writer. If you are serious about your art, then this shouldn't be a problem.
  3. Adapt to your Characters- This is very key to actually finishing a screenplay. There are people who can have an idea and write about it from beginning to end and never stray from the story. And you probably have never seen their movies because they were boring. Even if your outline is incredible, if you write your play with that organized it will be tedious to you and ultimately to your audience, if you even have one. You have to write with intention to surprise yourself. Everything should be purposeful and so new to the writer that you have to ask your characters what is going on. And then all them to tell the story. It's okay if you envision a yellow sky, Sally the introvert with a big heart saw a normal sky that she wished were just as odd as she was. Adapting to the characters is the best way to get the audience to see that theses are people they can relate to.
I spent a lot of time working with my dad during summers as a carpenter so I like to approach it as if I'm building a house. You don't just take a tree, a hammer, and some nails. That's only a portion of what a house is made of. You have to understand cement, wiring, sawing, measuring, and organization. When you put everything together as it should go, you have a house. When you add your own touch of creativity, you have a home. Make your work the perfect home for your concept.

If you have more questions, ask me here.

Time to get back to work.

-Vernell Allen


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