I started a business!

Hey Guys!!

The last time I blogged, I was saying farewell to my former university, Howard. If I'm being honest, that wasn't a difficult separation. Leaving Washington, D.C. however has been a tough transition. From the hustle and bustle of city life back to the saturated country side has shown me that I am not meant to live in Mississippi forever. To keep myself busy, I started a business. No, it's not a fortune 500 (yet) but it is something I am proud of. Here is a quick synopsis of what it is and what it means:

Expand Your Horizon
Hello, my name is Vernell and I want to share my brand with you because this isn't just my dream, it's my duty. I created the design from a picture I took one night. Not with intent to use in any way other that to pose a question: Why do we make a wish and then blow it away? Think about that. Is it due to insecurities? Doubt? Or simply an unbreakable habit formed in childhood? When we were children, our dreams were too big for others to see fit for us, but we believed. And we held on to them everyday. Whether we are confronted with rays of supports or thunderstorms of criticism, the passion we held for our goal was resting on the horizon, never faltering. We don’t make wishes to blow them away. Hold onto your dreams and expand your horizon.

I remember telling a friend a couple of months ago that I wanted to bring a higher meaning to my life. He brushed it off and reminded me that I have plenty of time ahead of me, but I wasn't buying that anymore. Living my life as if it's guaranteed caused me to take the present for granted. As cliché as it is, I began to live life as if it were my last day on Earth. I needed to create something to leave behind, that wouldn't waste away. And that's when I looked at the dandelion in my hand and got an idea. I could make shirts. Wasn't to more creative plan, but it was something everyone could be apart of.

Making shirts wasn't enough. I needed a message. So I pondered many symbols my design could signify. Making wishes. That was it! But I added my own spin. Instead of making wishes and going on by their day, my customers needed a reminder that wishes come true when they are seen as reality. Everyone has the chance to be whatever they believe. Nothing is impossible or unrealistic. My brand encourages your go after what you want in life. As you develop, you'll have to progress your perspective on the environment your in. That's why the motto is the hold onto your dreams and expand your horizon.

This is going to be a very fun experience. I have already sold my first and the feeling is amazing. It confirmed that the all-nighters were worth it. And I know there are more where that came from. I am asking you to help me spread the word about my shirt and expand my brand. Also, check out the website and browse the products. If you like it, share! If not, still share!! I'm stressing this because I believe in my message and everyone can be apart of it. Expand Your Horizon.

Thanks Guys,

Vernell Allen
Expand Your Horizon


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